Brian Evergreen on How AI Can Help Us Create a More Human Future

Image of Brian Evergreen's headshot next to his new book

As a prominent tech and business strategist, Brian Evergreen has dedicated himself to the humanization of technology in the workplace and society. In his new book Autonomous Transformation: Creating a More Human Future in the Era of Artificial Intelligence, Evergreen outlines the practical steps we can take toward that goal. This engrossing read gives leaders a balanced historical and theoretical framework that will help them develop a more human future.

Navigating the Era of Infinite Disruption

There’s no denying that technology – and more specifically, AI is advancing at an unprecedented rate. It’s hard to keep up, especially for those tasked with leading their organizations into the future. Autonomous Transformation is a guide for executives, managers, and other business leaders who want to do just that. In the book, Evergreen offers thought-provoking insights and strategies for leveraging emerging technologies to innovate in support of business objectives and navigate the complexities of the future.

Renowned marketing strategist and bestselling author Seth Godin called Autonomous Transformation "A thoughtful look at the urgent question of our time: How to bring humanity to work.” 

Get your copy of Autonomous Transformation here!

Get to Know Brian Evergreen

As a tech expert and business strategist, Evergreen’s expertise is sought after by organizations of all sizes, including Fortune 500 companies. He previously served as the global head of autonomous AI co-innovation at Microsoft Research, and also held positions AWS and Accenture. His influence is felt across sectors as he advises leaders and their organizations on how to get ahead of the game by helping them identify the AI tools and emerging technologies that will expedite the growth of their businesses, while serving a greater purpose. Much of Evergreen’s content is focused on mapping a future where AI is integrated and humanized.

In the Media

As a renowned voice in tech and business circles, Evergreen is often cited and featured in various media outlets. Read the articles below to get his valued insights on tech’s hottest topics.

Design News: Get Ready for the Autonomous Transformation

Next Big Idea Club: The Next Big Idea Club’s August 2023 Must-Read Books

CIO: ChatGPT is not your AI strategy


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