1 Results for
Event Location: Idaho
Speaker Location: Nebraska
Speaker Location: Oklahoma
Robotics & Drones

Technology Entrepreneur, Consultant, Author, & Founder, TriCorps Technologies

  • Local: $10,001 - $20,000*
  • US East: $10,001 - $20,000*
  • US West: $10,001 - $20,000*
  • Europe: $20,001 - $35,000*
  • Asia: $20,001 - $35,000*
A former CEO of three successful start-up companies, Scott Klososky is passionate about shaking up the daily grind, rebuilding businesses from the ground-up, and seeking new opportunities. Klososky delivers fresh observations, ideas, and practical steps that organizations can use to restructure teams, create strategies that work, and apply technology in influential ways.
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