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Event Location: Oregon
Speaker Location: Hawaii
Speaker Location: Idaho
Speaker Location: Louisiana
Speaker Location: Ohio
Social Media & Social Networking
Diverse Voices

Founder of Because I Said I Would

  • Local: $20,001 - $35,000*
  • US East: $20,001 - $35,000*
  • US West: $20,001 - $35,000*
  • Europe: $35,001 - $55,000*
  • Asia: $35,001 - $55,000*
Alex Sheen is the Founder of because I said I would, the international social movement and nonprofit dedicated to the betterment of humanity through promises made and kept. Sparked by the loss of his father, Alex began sending promise cards to anyone who requested them at no cost. Since his father’s passing on September 4, 2012, because I said I would has sent over 8.4 million promises cards to over 150 countries.
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