Aidan McCullen

Transformation Consultant, Author, MC, Host of The Innovation Show
  • Helps audiences understand the speed of change in an ever-evolving world
  • Works with organisations to reveal new opportunities for innovation
  • Identifies areas of reinvention for individuals, organisations, and in life

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Aidan is the host and founder of the Innovation Show, broadcast globally and on national radio stations in Ireland and Finland.

He is the author of the bestselling book "Undisruptable: A Mindset of Permanent Reinvention for Individuals, Organisations and Life."

He is a Change Consultant, College Professor, Board Director and Executive Coach.

He works with organisational teams to improve how they engage and innovate.

He is a champion for change and has reinvented in his own career after rugby.

Aidan worked in transformation for digital, innovation and now culture and leadership.

Aidan played over 100 times for Europe’s most successful rugby teams: Leinster and Toulouse and represented his country Ireland, ranked number 1 in the world.

Over a decade, he developed the digital eco-system for Communicorp Media Group, served briefly as Head of Innovation for RTE and worked as an innovation consultant for Global company Katawave. Today he sits on the board of National Broadband Ireland

He created and delivers a module on Emerging Technology Trends and change in Trinity College Business School, ranked 1st in Ireland and the top 100 globally


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Speaker Video

Joe Pine and Aidan McCullen discuss "The Experience Economy" 20th Year Anniversary

PERMANENT REINVENTION. In an era of galloping change we need to develop additional capability BEFORE we appear to need it. This is critical to remain relevant for our organisations and in our careers. Essential to this mindset is personal leadership and a sense of psychological safety.

This visual and story-rich talk will cover:

  • The rate of change 
  • How change catches us off guard
  • The forces of change
  • Leadership and positive culture in change
  • What can organisations do embrace change
  • What can individuals do to lead in change

From the book "Undisruptable: A Mindset of Permanent Reinvention for Individuals, Organisations and Life" with a foreword by Visa founder Dee Hock. Brought to life by Examples, Models, Stories (illustrated through Phoenixes, Caterpillars, Nokia and more)


THE CHANGE TSUNAMI (Virtual). 75% of transformation efforts fail. They fail for the same reasons over 80% of New Year's resolutions fail. Change is difficult. In a knowledge economy, we must update our mental software. It is only through changing mental models can we change business models.

We can't change what people do until we change how people think.

This course has been designed using the latest research in neuroscience and learning techniques. It is "THOROUGHLY ENGAGING, VISUAL, RICH with STORYTELLING."

  • Warren Buffett famously said, “Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked.”
  • The pandemic has certainly caught many of us with our pants down if we had any on in the first place.
  • Now that we are returning to a new way of working: we must be deliberate about what are we expecting, things to return to normal, a new normal.
  • The challenge we face is that not only do we need to adapt to a new way of running organisation and adopt a new are flexible mindset, but we also need to adapt to shifting consumer demands.
  • The pandemic has proved an accelerant for changes that were already underway. It brought us closer to a digital world, but it also gave customers a taste of products that made have taken many more years to diffuse into society. As a result, we must adapt to many shifting forces. This is a challenge, but as humankind has shown since our first days on the planet, we are resilient, we are innovative and we are adaptable.
  • Some organisations benefitted hugely from the changes while others were obliterated, but for many, their victory can lead to defeat.
  • We will share the brilliant example of FujiFilm and Kodak, the former proactively reinvented, the latter went bankrupt despite being the market leader.

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