Meet The Speakers Of RealClearPolitics



RealClearPolitics (RCP) has become one of America’s premier independent political web sites. Updated contstantly throughout the day, RCP culls and publishes the best commentary, news, polling data, and links to important resources from all points of the political compass. It has become a trusted filter for anyone interested in politics. RCP’s political commentary, election analysis, and acclaimed polling averages have been featured in national media outlets across the nation.


Co-Founder and Executive Editor

Co-founder and executive editor of RealClearPolitics Thomas Bevan is a trusted political source in Washington. A political junkie, he offers the historical context of today’s political events so that his audience can get a better understanding of what is happening in Washington and why.

Bevan is also the co-author (with Carl Cannon) of The RealClearPolitics Political Download: Election 2012, which includes part one, The Battle Begins and part two, A Time for Choosing.


Washington Bureau Chief

The Washington bureau chief of RealClearPolitics, Carl Cannon has covered every presidential campaign and major political convention since 1984 and has received the two most prestigious awards for White House coverage – the prestigious Gerald R. Ford Prize for Distinguished Reporting of the Presidency and the Aldo Beckman award for “excellence in presidential news coverage.” He is known for his knowledge of the inner workings of the legislative and executive branches.

Cannon is the author of The Pursuit of Happiness in Times of WarBoy GeniusReagan’s Disciple: George W. Bush’s Troubled Quest for a Presidential Legacy, and The RealClearPolitics Political Download: Election 2012.

Watch them in action!