TED Talk: Srikumar Rao on Plug Into Your Hard Wired Happiness


In this video, best-selling author and expert on management, Srikumar Rao, speaks about plugging into your hard wired happiness. He opens up his talk by saying that he has a vision for each member of the audience, where their blood is singing at the thought of being who you are and doing what you do.

When you wake up in the morning is your heart singing about who you are and what you do? Dr. Srikumar Rao believes that having this kind of life is achievable. He has helped thousands of executives all over the world discover deep meaning and his methods have enabled them to achieve quantum leaps in effectiveness. Graduates of Dr. Rao’s workshops have become more creative and more inspiring leaders. Above all they have developed an inner serenity, that comes from the confidence a that they will be able to appropriately handle whatever comes their way—be it a small wave or a tsunami. His students become resilient and bounce back nonchalantly from reverses that would floor most peers.

Best-Selling Author and Expert on Management

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Dr. Srikumar Rao is the creator of the renowned Creativity and Personal Mastery course, a business school professor, and the best-selling author of Are You Ready to Succeed and Happiness at Work. He is a contributing editor for Forbes and writes regularly on management practices, leadership, and personal mastery, and his work has been extensively covered in the media. He discusses achieving goals, creating a successful business environment, and how individuals can become inspiring leaders.