James Loizou in a blue shirt and multi-colored tie smiling at the camera

James loizou

Senior Vice President, LAI Video

Perhaps best epitomized by his signature red sneakers and tie, James Loizou enjoys walking a fine line between creating and business-ing. As Vice President of LAI Video, James can be seen in kickoff meetings, on-site, behind a camera, or struggling to decide between coffee or an energy drink. Working with a talented group of creatives, he thrives off of the collaborative nature of video-making -- learning about an organization's story, breaking it apart and repackaging it in a new, more exciting way. James regularly sits down with generals, ex-mobsters, economy experts, and CEOs, to enhance their keynote presentations with visuals; to help the storytellers better tell their stories. 

A graduate from James Madison University, James hails from the School of Media Arts and Design -- a program celebrated for producing future LAI Video employees. After graduation, James studied architecture in Vienna, Austria, but James is not an architect.