Susan O’Malley: 1st Female Head In The NHL & NBA

We wanted to let you know about Susan O’Malley, the first female president of a pro sports franchise. Susan is a revered business leader who, in her first season as head of the Washington Bullets, took the season ticket holder renewal rate from 64% to 90% with better customer engagement strategies.
At her speeches, audiences crack up and take notes—the perfect combination of entertainment and substance. Susan almost always gets an immediate and enthusiastic standing ovation (which she humbly thinks all speakers get).
At one of her recent speeches, our colleague Lauren said the buzz afterwards couldn’t have been better. She even said several women in the ladies room were joking about how they had waited until after the speech to use the bathroom because they “didn’t want to miss a word.” Wow! If you want to see Susan in action, you can watch footage of her speech here.
Susan always goes the extra mile to make the client look good. In this case, she attended a cocktail reception and a VIP breakfast before her speech. If you want to check on Susan’s availability or fees, please contact our team today.
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