Peter Sheahan Highlight Reel
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After decades of standing in the fire with leaders of high-performing organizations, Peter Sheahan has come to believe that an organization will only go commercially where its leaders first go personally.
Having grown his own companies by accelerating the growth and transformation for clients that include: Apple; Chick-fil-A; DeBeers; and AT&T – Peter will provoke you to get bigger, by getting better! When leaders are true to their purpose, they gravitate towards doing work that matters and solving higher order problems. The journey to get there requires that they have the courage to tell themselves the truth, take intelligent risks, and assume ownership for driving the alignment necessary to build an organization which behaves in ways worthy of its leadership position.
In being true to his own ambitions and relentless pursuit of growth, Peter has published seven books, built three global companies and delivered more than 2,500 presentations in 40+ countries.
Human Capital [R]evolution
Beyond supply chain, the major constraint to post-pandemic growth are labor shortages and the war for talent. The good news…. This may be new for the US, but it isn’t new for other parts of the world, and there is a proven playbook for alleviating this problem in the short term and solving it for the long term.
The hidden gift of this crisis is a unique window of opportunity to make long-needed changes to the way we attract, engage, and retain the human capital we need to do business. Now more than ever you have permission to take a new approach, and a willingness to accept progress over perfection.
Drawing on case studies that span from Mining to the Military, and from Restaurants to Removalists, this highly practical session will teach your leaders / managers how to:
Turn Challenge Into Opportunity and Change into Competitive Advantage
2020 was tough. 2021 and 2022 will be harder again. Supply chain constraints, talent and labor shortages, and the continued onslaught of technological disruption are just the beginning. Now more than ever we need to build resilient leaders, agile organizations, and high performing teams – no matter the uncertainty.
In this hard-hitting and highly directive keynote, your leaders will learn to:
Accelerating Growth Through Transformation
To meet growth expectations, we must transform ourselves and our teams at a faster rate than the external environment is changing or else we risk a slow decline into irrelevancy. Given change isn’t slowing down, this is harder to do today than ever before. The path forward is to build organizations and teams capable of risk-taking, letting go of past successes in pursuit of a new, more vibrant future, and successfully navigating the business from one competitive advantage to the next.
In this engaging, case-study rich session, we will unlock the keys to accelerated transformation and growth by helping your leaders understand that:
Winning on Value Not Price
As the pace of commoditization accelerates and the emergence of technological disruption threatens our existing business models, we must find ways to remain relevant and differentiated in the hearts and minds of our customers! This inspiring, case-study rich session will show you how to find opportunity in disruption to reverse the downward spiral of commoditization, move beyond the competition, and become the obvious choice for your customers.
This journey will require that you:
Client Testimonials