Gen. Stanley McChrystal: Essential Advice, Busy Calendar

Professional headshot of Stanley McChrystal

LAI’s most-booked leadership speaker General Stanley McChrystal has been called the Steve Jobs or Henry Ford of leadership—he is the authority to turn to for organizations enduring change.

Gen. McChrystal is the former leader of U.S. and international forces in Afghanistan, the two-time New York Times best-selling author of Team of Teams, and the man who transformed JSOC into the agile network it is today.

He bridges his experience defeating networked insurgents in the battle against Al Qaeda to the business world, drawing lessons about:

  • Breaking down departmental silos
  • Working across departments
  • Mastering the flexible response that organizations need
  • Developing a “we” mentality
  • Fostering communication that strengthens ties and increases the bottom line
  • Creating small, effective, and adaptable teams

 To learn more about Gen. McChrystal’s availability and his pricing, please fill out the form below. 

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