Top-booked speaker on Market Dominance Through Culture

Professional photo of Ken Schmidt next to a motorcycle in leather attire

Why does Chick-fil-A always top customer satisfaction surveys even though its employees are paid the same as other fast food chains?

According to Ken Schmidt, former Director of Communications Strategy at Harley-Davidson, it’s because employees model the behavior of their leaders.

Ken’s new leadership and culture talk examines the relationship between the two, exploring:

  • Why dominant market share is a leadership-driven result, rather than a marketing function
  • Why culture is the answer to growth challenges, employee turnover, customer advocacy and market dominance
  • Why a focus on "selling product" ultimately destroys competitiveness
  • Why loyalty to a company's product means the business is at risk while loyalty to its people means it’s thriving

Ken is one of our top-booked speakers of 2016 who consistently blows audiences away. His talks are very high-energy, customized, and full of motivating examples of businesses getting it right and wrong—you will leave wanting to better your individual performance as well as that of your team and company. And you'll know where to start.

For more information on Ken, his availability, or his fees, please fill out the form below.

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