Woodward and Bernstein Accepting Dates Together

This past week, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein took the stage at an event we co-hosted for Washington, D.C. based CEOs. The event took place at, of all places, the Watergate Hotel.
We see a lot of speakers, but Woodward and Bernstein are icons whose perspective and experience is always appreciated by audiences. With everything going on in the current political environment, their speech had the entire room buzzing. It’s thrilling to be able to ask the journalists who uncovered Watergate questions about the news of the day, and what’s likely to come.
In addition to bringing name ID, Woodward and Bernstein provide sharp, informed insights paired with the true stories of the work that brought down President Nixon. They keep audiences hanging on every word.
At our recent event, they talked about what exactly Watergate was an represented, as well as lessons that should be taken away from it as we face a climate in American politics and everyday life that is extremely divided. And they told the story of how they investigated and broke Watergate first-hand. Our audience especially loved their familiar relationship and funny banter.
Noting outright that Richard Nixon was a criminal president, Woodward and Bernstein also talked about possible parallels between that time and now, as well as the roles the media, and social media, are playing in Washington.
It’s also worth noting that Woodward and Bernstein are principally concerned with the truth—meaning they never bring an agenda to speeches. Rather, they are driven by curiosity and unpack what the latest reports out of Washington likely mean based on their experiences. And they always honestly tell the audience that their primary mission throughout their lives has been to find the best obtainable version of the truth.
Are you interested in bringing legendary reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein to your next event stage? Let us know!
If you want to check their speaking fees and availability, or to book them to speak at your upcoming meeting or conference, contact our team!
To get in touch with us right away, you can also email us at Contact@lauthorities.com, start a live chat with a member of our team online, fill out the form below, or call us at 1-800-SPEAKER.