Geeta Nayyar

Chief Medical Officer, Technologist, and WSJ Best Selling Author
Geeta Nayyar Speaker
  • As a leader in health IT, Dr. G bridges the gap between clinical medicine, business, and digital health
  • Known as the "Doctor of Tech" because she can discuss the future of medicine, AI as it relates to health services, and disinformation in the healthcare industry
  • Author of "Dead Wrong: Diagnosing and Treating Healthcare's Information Illness"
  • Inspires audiences to prioritize their wellbeing both in the workplace and in their home lives

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Dr. G is the former Chief Medical officer at Salesforce. She’s a rheumatologist and nationally-recognized leader in health IT, bridging the divide between clinical medicine, business, and digital health.  As a Board Member of the American Telemedicine Association and the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Alumni Association, she helps steer decision-making at some of the nation’s most influential medical organizations.  Her work and expertise have earned her appearances on CNN, and PBS, and she is regularly featured on CNBC and Yahoo Finance.

She is the author of the book “Dead Wrong,” with a fall 2023 release date, which diagnoses medicine’s information illness through rich stories and insights derived from the boardroom. She makes the case that building trust and health literacy at scale requires healthcare leaders to take responsibility for the problems and their solutions.


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Speaker Video

Dr. Geeta Nayyar: Healthcare, Technology, & A New Tomorrow

2022 Talent Reel

Dr. Geeta Nayyar with Scott Gottlieb & Deepak Chopra

Dr. Geeta Nayyar - TSS 2023

Geeta Nayyar - CES 2024 Panel with Mark Cuban

Healthcare, Technology, and a New Tomorrow

Healthcare is at a critical juncture. Down one road, misinformation, unchecked technology, and questionable leadership will worsen long-standing issues. Along the other path, smart partnerships, ethical AI, and sensible policies will strengthen patient engagement, drive business success, and improve outcomes.

In this talk, the globally recognized chief medical officer, technologist, and bestselling author, Dr. Geeta Nayyar, MD, MBA, “Dr. G,” reveals the route to unlocking the full potential of today’s evolving healthcare landscape. She unpacks the state of the industry, spotlights success stories, separates fact from fiction, illustrates the modern consumer, and reveals how to scale trust.

  • A survey of the state of healthcare, reviewing emerging trends
  • A candid look at innovation, healthcare partnerships, and the health-conscious consumer — and what they mean for healthcare organizations in an era of burnout and misinformation
  • A guide to scaling trust and building patient engagement to enhance care delivery and enterprise success

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the challenges and opportunities in today’s key healthcare trends
  • Decipher AI hype vs. reality, as well as doomed vs. promising partnerships between healthcare and technology organizations
  • Learn how to build and maintain consumer trust in a technology-forward healthcare world


Diagnosing and Treating Healthcare’s Minsformation Illness

A perfect storm of health misinformation is brewing. Rapid advances in artificial intelligence and social media, public health cuts, and health policy shifts risk worsening trust, outcomes, and costs. But misinformation’s rise also presents healthcare executives with an opportunity to address these long-standing challenges in new ways, improving their organizations and patients’ lives.

In this talk, the globally recognized chief medical officer, technologist, and author of the bestselling book on health misinformation, “Dead Wrong,” Dr. Geeta Nayyar, MD, MBA, “Dr. G,” shows how conspiracy theory and conjecture are pushing healthcare to a reckoning. She reveals how healthcare organizations can come out on top through innovative strategies spanning clinical approaches, emerging technologies such as AI, and marketing.

  • The state of healthcare misinformation today
  • Misinformation’s effects on patient health, clinician well-being, and healthcare organizations’ business objectives
  • Innovative approaches to address misinformation and create enterprise value

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the evolving nature of health misinformation
  • Recognize misinformation’s business implications across different types of healthcare organizations, including effects on key success measures
  • Identify strategies and tools, from partnerships to emerging technologies, for addressing misinformation to achieve well-established goals

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