Kerry Hannons Fitness Plan | When I'm 65
Kerry Hannon
Kerry Hannon is a leading authority, workplace futurist and strategist on work and jobs, career transitions, entrepreneurship, leadership, personal finance, and retirement. She is a frequent TV, radio and podcast commentator and is a sought-after keynote speaker at conferences.
Kerry’s work focuses on how the shifting age demographics is transforming the way we work and create wealth and happiness, and how we’re entering extraordinary times.
Millions of viewers, readers and listeners have been motivated by Kerry’s can-do, down-to-earth message.
Kerry is the best-selling and award-winning author of a 14 books, including Great Pajama Jobs: Your Complete Guide to Working From Home and Never Too Old to Get Rich: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Starting a Business Mid-Life, published by John Wiley & Sons in 2019, a #1 bestseller on Amazon and selected by The Washington Post for its Book-of-the-Month Club.
Other best-selling and award-winning books penned by Kerry include: Money Confidence: Really Smart Financial Moves for Newly Single Women, Great Jobs for Everyone 50+: Finding Work That Keeps You Happy and Healthy . . . And Pays the Bills, Love Your Job: The New Rules for Career Happiness, Getting the Job You Want after 50, and What’s Next?: Finding Your Passion and Your Dream Job in Your Forties, Fifties and Beyond.
She has covered all aspects of careers, business and personal finance as a columnist, editor, and writer for the nation’s leading media companies, including The New York Times, Forbes, Money, U.S. News & World Report, and USA Today. Kerry’s work has also appeared in BusinessWeek, Kiplinger’s Personal Finance, and The Wall Street Journal, among other national publications.
She has appeared as a career and financial expert on The Dr. Phil Show ABC, CBS, CNBC, NBC Nightly News, NPR, Yahoo Finance and PBS.
Kerry is currently a senior columnist and on-air expert at Yahoo Finance. She is a former columnist and regular contributor to The New York Times, MarketWatch, Forbes, and a former expert columnist for the PBS website personal finance and entrepreneur expert. Her areas of expertise include entrepreneurship, personal finance, retirement, wealth management and career transition.
Kerry’s latest book project is In Control at 50+: How to Succeed in the New World of Work, which will be published by McGraw-Hill Spring, 2022.
Her advice as a work and jobs expert is a regular feature in AARP publications.
In addition to practical advice for mid-life workers seeking to land jobs, find financial and personal rewards and ride the age wave of longevity with grace, a key passion for Kerry is helping and advising women on how to take charge of their own financial planning, at all stages of their lives, to prepare themselves for a financially secure future.
Her earlier books include Suddenly Single: Money Skills for Divorcees and Widows and The 10-Minute Guide to Retirement for Women.
Kerry is a former National Press Foundation Fellow, a former Fellow of the Columbia Journalism School, and the Robert N. Butler Columbia Aging Center’s Age Boom Academy. She is also a former Metlife Foundation and New America Media Fellow on Aging.
She has testified before Congress about the importance of older workers.
Kerry graduated from Shady Side Academy in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where she serves on the Board of Visitors. She received a bachelor’s degree from Duke University, where she is currently a member of an editorial board. Kerry lives in Washington, D.C., with her husband, documentary producer and editor Cliff Hackel, and her Labrador Retriever, Elly.
Our world is aging. By 2040, about one in five Americans will be age 65 or older, up from about one in eight in 2000.
That’s more than double over the next 40 years, reaching 80 million in 2040. The number of adults ages 85 and older, the group most often needing help with basic personal care, will nearly quadruple between 2000 and 2040.
This is huge. What this means is that: The workforce is aging at an unparalleled rate with fewer and fewer younger workers entering the workforce and more and more people staying on the job in some fashion beyond conventional retirement age.
The challenge of creating a workplace that thrives with age diversity is the key to economic growth and success in the future. Kerry energetically explores why this is an exciting time.
She delves into:
- the bold case for older workers
- smart innovative strategies leaders can deploy to maximize the skills and energy of both generations to maximize success and minimize conflict
Traditionally, leaders have dedicated time to the transfer of skills and know-how from older to younger workers. But Kerry explains how the reverse is what’s needed to truly transform the culture and navigate the future workplace demands though creating lifelong learning platforms, enhanced communication, ending ageist attitudes and delivering autonomy to workers that empowers individuals and builds teams.
This session will explore how longer lifespans are changing everything we know about work, life and learning. Kerry will discuss the shift that is driving social and economic change around the world.
When the coronavirus pandemic upended the US economy, many older workers lost their jobs and saw their retirement accounts take a hit. Those who remain employed are grappling with a new way of working: remotely from home, sometimes in isolation, facing daunting technological and social challenges. Kerry explores how individuals and corporate leaders can navigate this new normal. Her message and advice empowers leaders and individuals take control of their professional and economic future―with hope, confidence, and optimism.
Kerry Hannon offers advice, guidance, and concrete action steps that will enable older workers to succeed in the workplace and prepare for a financially secure retirement. And Kerry offers action steps for employers to harness the power and potential of an experienced workforce.
The session features inspiring case studies of how workers over 50 have successfully pivoted and thrived. And studies of employers on the forefront of this movement. It identifies ways to succeed as a remote worker and remote work can fight ageism. She discusses the rising trend of career transitions at mid-life and how to navigate that shift, as well as the surge in entrepreneurship for older workers.
These trends were in place before the pandemic but have accelerated. She will reveal:
- jobs that will be in demand in the post-pandemic economy
- leading companies providing new opportunities for older workers in a variety of fields.
- resources for full-time employees, freelancers, entrepreneurs, and mangers and business owners alike
- how to land a job you love at 50+
- the way to a brighter professional and financial future
Retirement clocks are re-setting as Boomers and Gen Xers age and realize that they need to stay on the job longer to finance longer lifespans and for the mental and social engagement. At the same time, employers grapple with a dearth of employees and have an unprecedented number of job openings. Kerry’s presentation will explore: Why financial security, money confidence and a safety net that work in some form can provide is the key to overall health and wellness. How leaders in the for-profit and not-for profit spheres can tap this demographic change that is barreling into the future so it’s a win on both sides. This session will tap into:
- the changing role of the financial advisor
- steps workers must make to stay on top of the workplace shifts that can bolster productivity and performance
- change that must come from employers in their approach to hiring and workplace development, training, and upskilling
- how these moves will contribute to a strong economy on a macro level
Kerry Hannon explores how the rise of women as entrepreneurs and leaders in the workplace is transforming their relationship to their money, their partners, spouses, co-workers, and careers. Her presentation exposes: the crucial ways that women are changing the workplace and management; and how they’re tapping increased influence to create a better world.
Kerry offers insights into:
- what they look for in a financial advisor
- the kinds of investments they support and advocate for
- how their leadership is creating a resilient workplace that embraces diversity at all ages
Kerry Hannon examines how to start a successful business mid-life. When you think of someone launching a start-up, the image of a twenty-something techie probably springs to mind. However, Gen Xers and Baby Boomers are just as likely to start businesses and reinvent themselves later in life. Never Too Old to Get Rich is an exciting presentation for anyone at mid-life looking to be their own boss and launch their dream business.
Kerry provides up-to-date resources and guidance for launching a business when you're 45+. She reveals snappy profiles of successful older entrepreneurs, describing their inspirational journeys launching businesses and nonprofits, and delivers action steps. Kerry walks you through her three-part fitness program: guidelines for becoming financially fit, physically fit, and spiritually fit, before delving more deeply into how would-be entrepreneurs can succeed.
• Describes how you can find capital to start your own business
• Offers encouraging stories of real people who have become their own bosses and succeeded as entrepreneurs
• Teaches you how to start your own business
Kerry Hannon shows you and inspires women of all ages to create a joyful and purposeful life by taking control of their financial lives.
When it comes to money, women and men have different attitudes and approaches to how they manage it and grow their wealth. Sure, the pay gap is a huge obstacle for women, but ageism and lookism also impact their earnings potential and career trajectories. But in fact, our culture, still creates a world where when in their 20s invest in marketing themselves with the right makeup clothes and social events, while men at that age tend to begin investing and saving. And they still say that finances bore them, or they aren’t good at math. Seriously!! But for women, who tend to live longer than men and bear the burden of caregiving for children and aging relatives this is not sustainable for future financial security.
The pandemic clearly showed that as women exited the workforce in overwhelming numbers. Kerry will discuss the big picture moves employers and leaders can take to support their female workers and change attitudes internally as well as the nitty-gritty steps women can take to build their money mojo and muscles.
In this frank and personal speech, Kerry walks through:
- mistakes she has made
- provides an action plan for women to do that inner MRI exploration of their relationship with money and investing
- how to combat their fears about the future and making mistakes
- why being too cautious can be a huge problem for women
- why it’s ok to spend and enjoy their lives today.
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