Kate Ancketill

Expert in Innovation and Founder and CEO of GDR Creative Intelligence
Kate Ancketill
  • Consults top companies Microsoft, P&G, and Capital One on emerging trends
  • Breaks down the power of transformative technology in industries such as retail and hospitality
  • Simplifies high-tech concepts including the Internet of things for a non IT audience
  • Visual, forward-thinking presentation full of useful tips on sparking innovation

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Kate is a futurist with a retail, consumer, brand, hospitality and technology specialisation, making complex societal shifts and emerging technologies relatable for any audience.

As the CEO and founder of GDR Creative Intelligence, Kate is the innovation partner to around 30 of the world’s largest consumer brands.

Every presentation she gives contains research and analysis that has been stress-tested for relevance and impact with multi-national corporations, often at board level.

Kate delivers compelling big picture narratives explaining how retail, brands and hospitality are changing as a result of economic and social change and the technology revolution.

She advises on the future of customer experience, how marketing is evolving, and how the best of the best are using tech to adapt to new customer behaviours.

She takes a cross-sector, global view of innovation, which includes anywhere there's interaction between brand and consumer, either online or offline. 

GDR Creative Intelligence. Founded in 1992, GDR Creative Intelligence is an independent and globally-recognized consultancy that provides the world’s leading consumer brands with brand marketing and retail futures insight. The team researches, analyses and showcases key innovation trends to help clients stay ahead. GDR is retained by clients for its personalized digital innovation platform, interactive presentations and workshops, custom research projects, and real-world learning experiences where they can see innovation working in the field. The company also assists in creative matchmaking, thanks to its relationships with a diverse network of the best agencies worldwide.

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Speaker Video

Kate Ancketill: Motivational Speaker, CEO & Founder, Business Futurist

Emerging Trends Expert Kate Ancketill, at NRF

Hyper-Personal Technology

Kate Ancketill: Retail Opportunities for a Changing World

Kate Ancketill on Marketing, Innovation and Technology

Kate Ancketill: The Future of eCommerce

How hyper-personalisation will transform the future of shopping

Looking Toward a Post-App Future: How Empathic AI Agents will Take Real-world Action on Consumers' Behalf. Business futurist Kate Ancketill will explore the impact of AI agents on tomorrow's consumers and how their changing behavior will impact all retail channels. She'll describe scenarios to help retailers envisage pathways to adaptation in a fast-changing landscape and what this means for retail’s future.

Today's Top Trends: Retail Opportunity For The Fast-Changing World & The Human Mind. The world of retail dramatically changed a couple of years ago, and nothing will ever be the same again. The fourth industrial revolution hit. This presentation connects the dots to give the full picture of what’s happening: from macroeconomics to social and political disruption. There are tough issues to be faced, and there are major opportunities for disruptors. This presentation outlines the nine technologies retailers must employ if they’re to meet customer expectations and thrive in this new tech revolution. 

Global Innovation Report. In an eye-opening, forward-thinking keynote presentation, Kate Ancketill shares insights on the innovations that will change the face of business in the near future. Through a network honed over 21 years that features the world’s best creatives—including engineers, designers, marketing experts, artists, business executives, scientists, researchers, and more—Ancketill has her finger on the pulse of technology, innovation, and business trends, and she helps audiences see what is coming down the pipeline and where they should focus their efforts in order to not only keep up with the changes but stay ahead of the curve. With the belief that dreaming leads to innovation and science fiction has a way of becoming fact, Ancketill discusses how innovation builds on itself and simply taking a discarded idea and tweaking it can turn it into a world-leading idea. She also addresses how consumer, brand, and retailer relationships are evolving and how this knowledge and understanding can deliver a competitive advantage. Businesses of all varieties are moving toward hyper personalization, offering adaptive environments that change with your mood, shopping lists that write themselves, and responsive stores that change with the weather. Consumers’ expectations are accelerating, and Kate Ancketill gives businesses the insight they need to keep up.

Content is refreshed weekly to ensure Ancketill is explaining big picture shifts with the very latest innovations that are rocking the retail and hospitality worlds globally. Currently, hot topics include:

  • The growth of Omni-channel and the intersection between digital and physical retail.
  • Cognitive artificial intelligence and its implications for future service provision within retail and leisure.
  • Mobile commerce and its impact on the retail landscape.
  • The ‘entitled’ millennial shopper: How they shop the way they live: 100% connected.
  • Click and collect and delivery: Innovation that’s creating the new competitive landscape, and where it’s going.
  • Experiential retail: What this means now and for the store of 2020.

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