Roger Nierenberg: The Music Paradigm Virtual Experience
Roger Nierenberg's The Music Paradigm: A Virtual Experience
Roger Nierenberg
Creator of The Music Paradigm and Former Director of the Stamford Symphony Orchestra
- Local: $35,001 - $55,000*
- US East: $35,001 - $55,000*
- US West: $35,001 - $55,000*
- Europe: Please Inquire
- Asia: Please Inquire
Roger Nierenberg
Roger Nierenberg has led presentations with more than eighty different orchestras throughout North and South America, Europe, Asia and Oceana. His program, The Music Paradigm, uses a symphony orchestra as a metaphor for any dynamic organization, particularly during a time of challenge or change. Participants are seated among musicians of a professional symphony orchestra while the conductor leads them through a series of exercises that powerfully demonstrate critical truths about the functioning of organizations.