Evelyn Farkas On the Biggest News Of the Day

Last week, Dr. Evelyn Farkas spoke at an event for Washington, DC-based CEOs. She was an absolute attendee favorite.
Dr. Farkas had two challenges: Dense, tough material and a time slot at the end of the day. But she hit on the big issues we’re all talking about (Russia, North Korea, and the Trump Administration’s foreign policy decisions) in a way that felt fresh, buzzy, and distinct from the 24-hour news cycle we’re inundated with.
She was high-energy, approachable, and packed her talk with valuable points of view our audience hadn’t yet considered on everything from the possibility of an attack on the electric grid to how Russia views China and how the world order is being reworked under the Trump Administration. And, as President Obama’s former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia, her insight on the Putin-Trump dynamic was fascinating.
She also walked audience members through the day's news, touching upon:
- Why Russia is the #1 threat America faces today, and why Putin is so keen to reject the world order set up in the wake of World War II
- What threat China's spying on intellectual property poses and how our trade with a rising China with evolve
- How the rise of nationalism and populism is creating a less predictable global environment, and how that translates to an increase in risk
- Why we are at the greatest risk of major conflict or war since World War II
- How foreign actors exploit existing problems in American society and further disrupt national unity, and what they're likely to do next
- Why we'll continue to see election interference and remain vulnerable in terms of our power grid
Dr. Farkas really generated audience engagement and, in addition to talking through issues creating anxiety for business leaders, touched on the opportunities they present. In one of the longest Q&A sessions of the day, probably half the audience had a question for Dr. Farkas, which kept the energy in the room high right until we disbanded to attend the cocktail reception. Attendees were totally engaged, reevaluating their place within the marketplace domestically and globally, and eager to keep the conversation going.
To find out more information about Dr. Farkas or check her availability and fees for an upcoming event, call us at 1-800-SPEAKER or live chat with a member of our team right now.