Podcasts For Your Morning Commute

Podcasts For Your Morning Commute

We’ve been listening to podcasts on our way into the office and wanted to share a few recent favorites featuring LAI speakers for your morning commute. They’re all available in the Podcasts app on your phone and I’ve broken them down by topic:

Thoughts on leadership and relationships that’ll make you think:
Gen. Stanley McChrystal, Former Commander of U.S. and International Forces in Afghanistan on the Art of Charm
Art of Charm helps listeners become more charismatic, advance their careers, and become “super-connectors.” In this episode, Gen. McChrystal talks about his “new rules of engagement”—why flexibility and adaptability are the cure for an unpredictable landscape, when its time to throw out the rulebook, and how to use relationships to boost performance. Get the podcast here.

Inspiration for tackling your day:
Seth Goldman, Co-founder of Honest Tea, on NPR’s How I Built This
How I Built This tells the stories of a new innovator and entrepreneur each week, showcasing how they built booming brands. In this episode, Seth shares how in 1997—after going for a long run—he was frustrated with the sugar-filled drinks at the corner market and brewed up a beverage in his kitchen. That beverage turned into Honest Tea. Get podcast here - Select episode 18 (aired Jan 16, 2017).

Let us know if you have a chance to listen in (and what you think).

If one of these speakers could be a good fit for an event please fill out the form below, we're happy to send over fee and availability information.

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