Billy Riggs explains what a "DISillusionist" is
Billy Riggs
- Founded one of America's fastest-growing churches at the age of 29
- Presented the highest earned award of the National Speakers Association: The Certified Speaking Professional
- Uses an unusual blend of comedy, music, magic, and motivation to spread his positive attitude to more than a million people on five continents
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Billy Riggs has been called "The Dr. Phil of Magic," and is America's source for all things attitude! Through television, radio, books, videos, his helpful website ( and live keynote speeches Billy has used an unusual blend of comedy, music, magic, and motivation to spread his positive attitude to more than a million people on five continents. A spellbinding communicator, Mr. Riggs honed his uplifting message and speaking skills in the pulpit, founding one of America's fastest-growing churches at the age of 29. Though his presentations now are secular, audiences sometimes sense the old preacher in him, stirred by his sincerity and power on the platform. In 2000, Mr. Riggs was presented the highest earned award of the National Speakers Association: the Certified Speaking Professional. Since 1995, he has breathed The Magic of Attitude into people, companies and organizations.
But the goose bumps aren't always the result of dramatic oratory. When Billy Riggs appears, things on stage begin to disappear! Using world-class magical illusions to drive home his points, The Magic of Attitude presentations have transformed hundreds of otherwise ordinary conferences into something truly special. His quick wit and quicker hands spread laughter and raise morale as listeners learn to reshape their destinies with a wave of life's magic wand: attitude!
The Power of a PMA (Positively Magical Attitude)! The single most important factor in success is attitude. A positive attitude directly impacts the bottom line because it improves performance, reduces turnover, and decreases absenteeism. Best of all, a fabulous attitude is contagious. Help your staff embrace change with a smile, adjust to hardship with optimism, and strive to be their best each and every day by experiencing the “Magic of Attitude!” This unique and energetic combination of entertainment, comedy, and enlightenment allows world-class illusionist Billy Riggs to demonstrate how attitude and performance are inextricably linked, and motivates your staff to turn their new attitude into profitable action. Funny attitude speaker Billy Riggs is just what the doctor ordered!
How to Become a Born Leader. Bosses are a dime a dozen; leaders are priceless. Employees obey bosses only because they fear they will be rendered more miserable if they disobey than if they obey. Morale suffers, key people depart and productivity sags. But a genuine leader inspires team members to want to do their work. Employees follow true leaders out of respect and admiration. They work out of a sense of shared ownership of goals and passion for the fulfillment of a noble mission. Learn the keys to climbing the “Leadership Pyramid” through six distinct stages – from a man who’s been to the top of the pyramid twice – and begin the rewarding journey from mere boss to leader. Better still, you’ll learn while laughing through an entertaining and fun program. More than any other topic, Billy Riggs is a leadership motivational speaker. He is a natural and highly effective leader and will help you become one, too.
The Magic Touch: Positively Dazzling Service. Based on Billy Riggs’ book, The Magic Touch, this keynote challenges the old ways of customer retention and shows that all business is genuinely show business. The Magic Touch is customer experience re-imagined, taken to a whole new level. Customer service today is not just doing the old things better (though this is vital), it is doing entirely new things. It is delivering service with the style and flair of a Broadway musical. In this hilarious, entertaining and keynote, Billy reveals how to add a magic touch to every customer encounter.
Click Magnet Magic. Learn the secrets of generating (and converting!) more leads than you can possibly handle! Business coach, author, and speaker Billy Riggs show you how to:
- Double lead flow
- Double sales volume
- Implement no-cost strategies that instantly add cash flow
- Effectively market on the internet
- Get many times more traffic to your website
- Harness your existing database to maximize repeat business
- Set up joint partnerships that promote your business for you
… while laughing yourself silly and being entertained as though in a Las Vegas showroom!
Rather than marketing to thousands in hopes of reaching a few dozen real prospects, you’ll discover the techniques you’ll need to transform your marketing into a giant electromagnet that identifies and pulls needles out of the haystack for you!
The Magic Formula for Mastering Change. The lone constant in life is change. Turnover, improving technologies, increasingly-savvy customers and an evolving marketplace force companies and their employees into an uncomfortable choice: constant reinvention or guaranteed obsolescence. When your company faces upheaval and tumult caused by change, nothing fits the bill like Billy Riggs’ blend of hilarity, amazement, inspiration, and practical content that will ease the pressure and provide clear guidance on dealing with chaos. Your people will learn to reframe change as growth and refuse to become it’s victim. Attendees will be infused with new confidence and determination to instead become its master. Book this program and watch morale transform, productivity rise and enthusiasm return. Discover the “Grand Illusions” (hidden misconceptions) that make change so difficult and learn to embrace it as a welcome friend, all rolled up into an unforgettable synthesis of enchantment, empowerment and entertainment.
Positively Magical Selling! Demolishing the psychological barriers that limit salespeople and unleashing the attitudes that makes them soar! Effective selling is the result of accurate beliefs – beliefs about the marketplace, your prospects, lead generation, clients, and yourself. Consequently, your greatest obstacles to stratospheric sales success are your illusions, faulty beliefs that lurk in the subconscious mind to lower self-confidence, undermine motivation, and reduce closing ratios. In this fascinating combination of classic magic, humor, and education, professional illusionist Billy Riggs helps eliminate these psychological glass ceilings, propelling your sales force to more leads, higher sales and greater profits. Billy Riggs is a hilarious motivational speaker and magician, and your people will talk about him the whole year!
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